60 Big Mouth Quotes You Can’t Help But Laugh At

These Big Mouth quotes show you don’t need to be a kid to laugh at cartoons.

When it comes to adult humor and cartoon delivery, only a few shows actually deliver their content at the right timing. Big Mouth is known for being one of them.

The animated-style sitcom was a huge success and brought dark humor to its target audience in America.

The plot of the story centered on a group of 7th graders as they journey their way in the confusing world of puberty, sexuality, and other weird stuff.

Despite all the goofiness and dark humor of this show, it successfully connects with its audience and perfectly yet awkwardly portrays unsung issues of puberty and teenage life.

These Big Mouth quotes below will keep you entertained all day long.

Don’t forget to also check out these “I Am Not Okay With This” quotes from the Netflix series.

Big Mouth quotes by Maury the Hormone Monster

1. “Good night, you prince of Westchester, you king of the tri-state area.” — Maury the Hormone Monster

2. “So let me get this straight, you can’t jerk off to Missy, and you can’t jerk off to NOT Missy, what the hell are you gonna jerk off to?” — Maury the Hormone Monster

3. “Look, I know this all seems embarrassing right now but maybe one day, you’ll look back on this time fondly and perhaps even make something beautiful out of it.” — Maury the Hormone Monster

4. “You look like a hot hunk of cheese.” — Maury the Hormone Monster

5. “Hold your feelings in, like your shit.” — Maury the Hormone Monster

6. “We hate camp. It stinks like trees. And the boy only likes to poop at home.” — Maury the Hormone Monster

7. “Hey man I got a medical emergency so I gotta bounce. Jack off twice and page me in the morning.” — Maury the Hormone Monster

8. “You sing like a goddamn angel, and you got the heart of a champion.” — Maury the Hormone Monster

9. “By the end of the semester, you’ll be eating your own ass.” — Maury the Hormone Monster

10. “You somehow made farting even cooler.” — Maury the Hormone Monster

Big Mouth quotes by Lola Skumpy

11. “Clip, clop I’m a little show pony!” — Lola Skumpy

12. “If you whiny nobodies hate the play so much, just quit.” — Lola

13. “We’re wearing a ton of hairspray, you psycho!” — Lola Skumpy

14. “The waters hot, and slick as shit.” — Lola Skumpy

15. “That is clitorally my clit!” — Lola Skumpy

16. “I will bash your brain into a smoothie and drink your thoughts!” — Lola Skumpy

17. “Squirt squirt, step into it, CHOMP CHOMP!”” — Lola Skumpy

18. “Just like 9/11, I’ll never forget, Osama bin rubbin!” — Lola Skumpy

19. “I’m lesbians with my mom.” — Lola Skumpy

20. “At least I still have a p*ssy!” — Lola Skumpy

21. “J is for Jessi, the girl everyone loves.” — Lola Skumpy

Big Mouth quotes by Coach Stevens

22. “I gotta be honest with you. I know I seem like a real gigolo, but actually I’m a little nervous because I’m a total virgin.” — Coach Stevens

23. “Oh don’t worry about it Nick, opinions are like assholes; keep them away from your basketballs.” — Coach Stevens

24. “Woah, lucky me! Free shards of glass!” — Coach Stevens

Big Mouth quotes by Mona the Hormone Monstress

25. “Hello my precious, little ravioli.” — Mona the Hormone Monstress

26. “Because I don’t use deodorant and I only take bubble baths.” — Mona the Hormone Monstress

27. “Just to be clear, ‘different’ is not a compliment.” — Mona the Hormone Monstress

28. “You’re gonna sit on his face and use that hair as a seat belt.” — Mona the Hormone Monstress

Big Mouth quotes by Andrew Glouberman

29. “This place looks like the Holocaust Museum.” — Andrew Glouberman

30. “Ugh, it’s everywhere, it’s in between my God Damn toes.” — Andrew Glouberman

31. “You’re getting your hair pubed? ” — Andrew Glouberman

32. “My whole body is tense, like Joe Biden is whispering a dirty joke in my ear.” — Andrew Glouberman

33. “I gotta withhold my seed for the safety of mankind.” — Andrew Glouberman

34. “Read the tea leaves, honey!” — Andrew Glouberman

35. “Fuck you, sit on this. Fuck your family.” — Andrew Glouberman

Big Mouth quotes by Nick

36. “You guys don’t understand the politics of childhood.” – Nick Birch

37. “So you can take your destiny and go fuck yourself.” — Nick Birch

38. “I think I thought I was, like, a big dick boy, but I think I was just being a dick.” — Nick Birch

39. “Look, in the future, we’re all gonna be either a Lyft driver or a billionaire.” — Nick Birch

Big Mouth quotes by Jessi Glaser

40. “I’m actually grateful for a lot of things.” — Jessi Glaser

41. “I have nothing and nobody.” — Jessi Glaser

42. “Ugh, my brain is a tuna melt.” — Jessi Glaser

43. “Everybody seems to be doing super great, and I’m kind of not.” — Jessi Glaser

44. “I am not a kid, for your information. I am 60 years old. I remember when Moses was president.” — Jessi Glaser

45. “You’re like a demon Oprah.” — Jessi Glaser

Big Mouth quotes by Jay Bilzerian

46. How long is the gestational period of a human-pillow hybrid? — Jay Bilzerian

47. “Teach me the ways of your kingdom.” — Jay Bilzerian

48. “I’m like Young Sheldon, if he fucked.” — Jay Bilzerian

49. “Gay Town sounds fun, but I’ve thought a lot about it, and I belong in Biami. ” — Jay Bilzerian

50. “If I was gonna fuck a turkey, I would warm it up, like a goddamn gentleman!” — Jay Bilzerian

Big Mouth quotes by other characters

51. “Love is dead, so let’s bury the body together.” — Guy Bilzerian

52. “Yeah, I feel like a dirty piece of meat. Like a slab of prime rib that knows what’s what.” – Lola

53. “I like it when things are as bad for you as they are for me.” – Andrew Glouberman

54. “You don’t have to be an astrophysicist to know that you’re a star.” – Lars

55. “But please, don’t make me regret opening my heart to you.” – Missy Foreman-Greenwald

56. “If everyone ate just a little more p*ss, the world would be a better place, baby.” – Ladybug

57. “I’m a person, not something to hide.” — Natalie

58. “Reality is only a construct.” — Caleb

Big Mouth quotes from memorable conversations within the show

59. Jay: “I’m going to lick the breakfast out of your molars.”

Lola: “Hope you like Lean Pocket Shrimp Vindaloo.”

60. Jay: “How else are men supposed to get blowjobs?”

Maurice: “You lean your head back, arch your crotch in the air and say, ‘Dinner is served.’”

Which of these Big Mouth quotes is your favorite?

Big Mouth is a coming-of-age story that deals with issues that most of us encounter in our teenage years.

The plot and storytelling of this show were actually based on the real-life experiences of its creators which makes it more than interesting.

One of the key portrayals of this show is how accurately they represent that sometimes adults also don’t know what they’re doing and they can be just as dumb at life as kids.

Place your hands on the remote and get ready to set up your Netflix to watch Big Mouth again. Hopefully, these Big Mouth quotes and sayings made you laugh and giggle even just a little while.


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